Pharm.D. student white coat decorated with pins including Texas Pharmacy logo, rainbow heart, and triangle
You Belong Here
We strive to eliminate disparities, grow awareness, and create a culture of acceptance and support. Texas Pharmacy is committed to promoting opportunity and a sense of belonging.
Best Pharmacy School
U.S. News & World Report
Pharm.D. Students
Total Enrollment
Residency Match Rate
ASHP, 2024
Ph.D. and MS Students
Total Enrollment
Non-Federal Research Funding
AACP, 2021-2022
Total Research Grant Funding
AACP, 2021-2022
The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy was founded in 1893 and is one of the top pharmacy schools in the nation. The college's mission is to provide exemplary education, training, research, and professional development for Pharm.D. students, graduate students and postgraduates in the pharmaceutical sciences; to advance discovery, innovation, and patient care; and to provide service to the university, professional and scientific communities, and society.