Offices A-Z

Offices A-Z is managed by University Marketing and Communications and contains contact information for main offices at The University of Texas at Austin. To request an update, please use our website feedback form. To search for people at the university, visit the Directory.

Displaying all 573 results
Office Name Phone
Accounting & Financial Management 512-471-3723
Accounting, Department of 512-471-5215
Accounts Payable 512-471-1816
Addiction Science Research and Education Center 512-471-5198
Admissions Welcome Center 512-475-7399
Admissions, Office of 512-475-7399
Advanced Energy Consortium N/A
Advanced Research in Software Engineering, Center for (ARiSE Center) 512-232-3343
Advertising and Public Relations, Stan Richards School of 512-471-1101
Aeromechanics Research, Center for 512-471-5962
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Department of 512-471-7593
African and African American Studies, John L. Warfield Center for 512-471-1784
African and African Diaspora Studies, Department of 512-471-4377
Agile Technology, Center for 512-232-6228
Air Force Science, Department of 512-471-1776
Alcohol and Addiction Research, Waggoner Center for 512-232-2520
Alexander Architectural Archives 512-495-4621
American Studies, Department of 512-471-7277
Américo Paredes Center for Cultural Studies 512-471-4206
Animal Resources Center 512-471-7534
Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life 512-471-1959
Annual Giving Office 512-475-9614
Anthropology, Department of 512-471-4206
Antiquity and Christian Origins, Institute for the Study of 512-232-1438
AP Summer Institutes 512-471-3121
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory N/A
Applied Research Laboratories 512-835-3200
Arabic Flagship Program 512-471-0739
Archer Fellowship Program 512-232-7564
Architectural History Program N/A
Architecture and Planning Library 512-495-4620
Architecture, School of 512-471-1922
Army War College Fellowship N/A
Art and Art History, Department of 512-471-3382
Asian American Studies, Center for 512-232-9607
Asian Studies, Department of 512-471-5811
Astronomy, Department of 512-471-3000
AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center 512-404-3600
Athletics, Intercollegiate 512-471-4780
Australian and New Zealand Studies, Center for 512-471-9607
B. Iden Payne Theatre 512-471-2787
Bass Concert Hall 512-471-2787
Bates Recital Hall 512-471-2787
Behavior Concerns Advice Line 512-232-5050
Benson Latin American Collection 512-495-4520
Bevo Pay Office 512-471-6318
Big Data Analytics, Center for N/A
Biology Instructional Office 512-471-4882
Biomedical Engineering, Department of 512-471-3604
Blackstone LaunchPad
Blanton Museum of Art 512-471-7324
Board of Regents (University of Texas System) 512-499-4402
Brackenridge Field Laboratory 512-471-2114
Brain, Behavior & Evolution, Center for 512-475-6304
Brand Research, Center for 512-471-1101
Bridging Disciplines Programs 512-232-7564
Briscoe Center for American History 512-495-4518
Briscoe-Garner Museum 830-278-5018
British Studies, Program in 512-475-7228
Budget Office 512-471-3727
Bureau of Business Research 512-475-7813
Bursar (Cashier's Office), Accounting & Financial Management 512-475-7777
Business and Financial Services 512-471-6229
Business Contracts 512-471-4412
Business, Government & Society, Department of 512-471-5921
Business, Red McCombs School of 512-471-5921
Business, Technology & Law, Center for 512-232-6112
Cactus Cafe 512-475-6515
Cactus Yearbook N/A
Campus Club 512-471-8611
Campus Computer Store 512-475-6550
Campus Planning 512-471-4763
Campus Real Estate Office 512.471.8400
Campus Safety and Security 512-471-5767
Capital Planning and Construction 512-475-6596
Capital Punishment Center 512-471-5151
Cardiovascular Simulation 512- 232-7773
Career Services, Architecture 512.471.1333
Career Services, Education 512- 471-1306
Career Services, Fine Arts 512-232-7333
Career Services, Natural Sciences 512-471-6700
Cash Management Services 512-232-5733
Cellular and Molecular Biology, Institute for 512-471-1156
Center for Water and the Environment 512-471-3131
Central Receiving and Delivery 512-471-4581
Chemical Engineering, McKetta Department of 512-471-5238
Chemistry (Mallet) Library 512-495-4600
Chemistry, Department of 512-471-3949
Chief Information Officer, Office of the 512-232-9606
Child and Family Laboratory, Priscilla Pond Flawn 512-471-3974
Child Development Center 512-471-7040
Child Family Research Institute (512) 475-7892
Children's Wellness Center 512-386-3335
Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Department of 512-471-4921
Classical Archaeology, Institute of 512-232-9321
Classics Library 512-495-4254
Classics, Department of 512-471-5742
Clements Center for National Security 512-471-2601
Collections Deposit Library 512-495-4350
Commons Café 512-471-5898
Commons Conference Center 512-471-5898
Communication Career Services, Moody College of 512-471-9421
Communication Sciences and Disorders, Department of 512-471-4119
Communication Studies, Department of 512-471-5251
Communication, Moody College of 512-471-5775
Community and Regional Planning Program N/A
Comparative Literature, Program in 512-471-1925
Complex Quantum Systems, Center for 512-471-7253
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Center for 512-232-1947
Computational Engineering and Sciences, Institute for (ICES) 512-471-3312
Computational Geosciences and Optimization, Center for N/A
Computational Visualization Center 512-471-8870
Computer Engineering Research Center (CERC) 512-471-8000
Computer Science, Department of 512-471-7316
Con Mi MADRE (Mothers and Daughters Raising Expectations) 512-475-6309
Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution Office 512-471-6638
Construction Industry Institute 512-232-3000
Continuing & Innovative Education 512-471-4652
Copy Services 512-471-1615
Core Texts and Ideas, Thomas Jefferson Center for the Study of 512-471-6648
Corporate and Foundation Relations 512-471-5424
Counseling and Mental Health Center 512-471-3515
Creative Services 512-471-5385
Criminal Defense Clinic 512- 232-1300
Curriculum and Instruction, Department of 512-471-5942
Custodial Services 512-471-2020
Customer Insight and Marketing Solutions, Center for 512-232-1717
Daily Texan, The 512-232-2217
Dean of Students Research Institute N/A
Dean of Students, Office of the 512-471-5017
Dell Pediatric Research Institute 512-495-4700
Design Institute for Health 512-495-5025
Development Office, University 512-471-5424
Discovery Scholars Program 512-232-7585
Diversity and Community Engagement, Division of 512-471-3212
Dobie Paisano Fellowship Program N/A
Document Solutions 512-471-5464
Drug Dynamics Institute 512-475-9746
East Asian Studies, Center for 512-4711-5811
Economic Geology, Bureau of 512-471-1534
Economics, Department of 512-471-3211
Education, College of 512-471-0846
Educational Administration, Department of 512-471-7551
Educational Psychology, Department of 512-471-4155
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of 512-471-6771
Electrochemistry, Center for 512-471-3761
Electromechanics, Center for 512-471-4496
Elevator Services 512-471-2020
Emergency Management, Office of 512-232-2757
Employee Assistance Program 512-471-3366
Energy and Earth Resources 512-471-9875
Energy and Environmental Resources, Center for 512-471-7792
Energy and Water Conservation (EWC) Program 512-232-4414
Energy Economics, Center for 713-654-5400
Energy Finance Education & Research, Center for N/A
Energy Institute 512-475-8447
Energy, Law & Business, Kay Bailey Hutchison Center for 512-475-9328
Engineering (McKinney) Library 512-495-4511
Engineering Career Assistance Center 512-471-1915
Engineering Student Services 512-471-4321
Engineering, Cockrell School of 512-471-1166
English as a Second Language Services 512-471-2480
English, Department of 512-471-4991
Enrollment Management and Student Success 512-475-7347
Enterprise Business Information Technology Solutions (eBITS) 512-471-3765
Entrepreneurship, Herb Kelleher Center for 512-471-5287
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) 512-471-3511
Environmental Science Institute 512-471-5847
Equal Opportunity in Engineering Program 512-471-5953
Ethical Leadership, Center for 512-471-4303
European Studies, Center for 512-232-3470
Event Support and Moving Services 512-471-2020
Facilities Operations & Maintenance (FOM) 512-471-2020
Facilities Planning and Management 512 471 4763
Facilities Service Center (FSC) 512-471-2020
Facilities Services 512-471-4110
Facilities Services Support Services 512-471-2020
Faculty Council 512-471-5934
Faculty Innovation Center 512-471-3850
Faculty Ombudsperson 512-471-5866
Faculty Women's Organization N/A
Family Wellness Center 512-232-3900
FIATECH (Fully Integrated and Automated Technology) 512-232-9600
Finance, Department of 512-471-5921
Financial Aid, Office of 512-475-6282
Financial and Administrative Services (Office of the Sr. Vice President and Chief Financial Officer) 512-471-1422
Financial and Administrative Services Communications 512-232-7750
Financial Education and Research Center N/A
Fine Arts Library 512-495-4481
Fine Arts, College of 512-471-1655
Fire Prevention Services 512-495-3637
First-Year Experience Office 512-471-4421
First-Year Interest Groups 512-471-4421
Fitness Institute of Texas (FIT) 512-471-0081
Foreign Language Education Program 512-471-5942
Forty Acres Pharmacy 512-471-1824
France-University of Texas Institute 512-232-3470
Frank Erwin Center 512-471-7744
French and Italian, Department of 512-471-5531
Frontiers of Subsurface Energy Security N/A
Fusion Studies, Institute for 512-471-1322
Gaming Academy, Denius-Sams N/A
Gateway Scholars Program 512-471-1205
Gender and Sexuality Center 512-232-1831
General Faculty, Office of the 512-471-5934
Geography and the Environment, Department of 512-232-1595
Geological Sciences, Department of 512-471-5172
Geology (Walter) Library 512-495-4680
Geophysics, Institute for 512-471-6156
Geosciences, Jackson School of 512-471-6048
Geotechnical Engineering 512-471-4929
Germanic Studies, Department of 512-471-4123
Global Business, Center for 512- 471-7875
Global Commercialization Group 512-305-0331
Global Initiative for Education and Leadership 512-471-6304
Government, Department of 512-471-5121
Governmental Affairs and Initiatives, Office of 512-232-1781
Graduate Admissions, Office of 512-475-7391
Graduate Assembly N/A
Graduate School 512-471-4511
Gulf Coast Carbon Center N/A
Harrington Fellows Program N/A
Harry Ransom Center 512-471-8944
Health and Safety Training Center 512-232-1952
Health and Social Policy, Center for 512-471-9808
Health Communication, Center for 512-475-9165
Health Professions Office 512-471-3172
Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Center N/A
High Energy Density Science, Center for N/A
Hindi Urdu Flagship Program 512-471-6669
HireUTexas 512-471-2425
Hispanic Leadership Initiative 512-232-6780
Historic Preservation Program N/A
Historical Studies, Institute for 512-471-3261
Historically Underutilized Business/Small Business Office 512-471-2863
History, Department of 512-471-3261
Hogg Foundation for Mental Health 512-471-5041
Hogg Memorial Auditorium 512-475-6676
Human Development and Family Sciences, Department of 512-471-4276
Human Dimensions or Organizations, Program in the 512-232-7343
Human Ecology, School of 512-471-0165
Human Resources (HR) 512-471-4772
Human Resources Support Services (HRSS) 512-471-5466
Human Rights and Justice, Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for 512-232-4857
Human Rights Documentation Initiative 512-471-8706
Humanities Institute 512-471-9056
Humanities Program 512-471-3458
IC2 Institute 512-475-8900
Identity, Center for 512-682-8807
Imaging and Documentation Services 512-471-7406
Imaging Research Center 512-232-4203
Immigration Studies 512-471-1343
Inclusion and Equity, Office for 512-471-1849
Industry Engagement, Office of 512-471-3866
Informal Classes 512-471-3121
Information Assurance and Security, Center for 512-232-7891
Information Quest (IQ)
Information Security Office 512-475-9242
Information Technology Services 512-475-9400
Information Technology Services Customer Support Services 512-475-9400
Information, Risk, and Operations Management, Department of 512-471-3322
Information, School of 512-471-3821
Institutional Reporting, Research and Information Systems 512-471-3833
Instructional Innovation, Office of (College of Education) 512-232-2189
Integrated Earth Systm Science, Center for N/A
Integrated Watershed Studies Graduate Portfolio Program N/A
Integrative Biology, Department of 512-471-5858
Intellectual Entrepreneurship Consortium (IE) 512-471-1939
Interior Design Program N/A
Internal Audits, Office of 512-471-7117
Internal Medicine, Department of 512-495-5139
International Energy and Environmental Policy, Center for 512-471-9875
International Engineering Education 512-232-9675
International Office 512-471-1211
International Relations and Global Studies 512-232-6344
International Security and Law, Robert S. Strauss Center for 512-471-6267
International Student and Scholar Services 512- 471-2477
Inventory Services N/A
Israel Studies, Institute for 512-232-4608
Jewish Studies, Schusterman Center for 512-475-6178
Journalism in the Americas, Knight Center for 512-471-1391
Journalism, School of 512-471-1845
Kinesiology and Health Education, Department of 512-471-1273
KLRU 512-471-4811
KUT Radio (90.5 FM) 512-471-1631
KUTX Radio (98.9 FM) 512-471-1631
KVRX Student Radio 512-471-5106
Landmarks Public Art Program 512-495-4315
Landscape Architecture Program N/A
Landscape Services
Latin American Studies, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of 512-471-5551
Law and Philosophy Program N/A
Law Library, Tarlton 512-471-7726
Law, Business and Economics, Center for N/A
Law, School of 512-471-5151
Lawyers, Civil Justice, and the Media, Center on 512-471-3352
LBJ Library and Museum 512-721-0200
Leadership and Ethics Institute 512-232-5163
Leadership Excellence, Center for 512-574-1466
Learning and Memory, Center for 512-232-6564
Learning Sciences 512-475-9276
Legal Affairs, Office of the Vice President for 512-471-1241
Legal Research, Writing and Appellate Advocacy, David J. Beck Center for N/A
Legal Services for Students 512-471-7796
Legislative Student Organizations 512-471-3166
Liberal Arts Career Services 512-471-7900
Liberal Arts Honors Program 512-471-3458
Liberal Arts, College of 512-471-4141
Life Science Library 512-495-4630
Lifelong Engineering Education, Center for 512-471-3506
Linguistics Research Center 512-471-4566
Linguistics, Department of 512-471-1701
Literary and Textual Studies, Texas Institute for 512-232-2483
LIVESTRONG Cancer Institutes 512-495-5019
Lock and Key Services 512-471-8640
Longhorn Aquatics 512-471-7703
Longhorn Band 512-471-4093
Longhorn Center for Academic Excellence 512-471-1205
Longhorn Center for Civic Engagement 512-471-6161
Longhorn Center for School Partnerships 512-232-4603
Mail Services 512-471-3670
Management, Department of 512-471-5694
Marine Science Institute at Port Aransas 361-749-6711
Marine Science Library 361-749-3094
Marine Science, Department of 361-749-6711
Marketing, Department of 512-471-1128
Master of Science in Technology Commercialization (MSTC) Program 512-471-4700
Mathematics and Science Education, Charles A. Dana Center for 512-471-6190
Mathematics, Department of 512-471-7711
McCullough Theatre 512-471-2787
McDonald Observatory 877-984-7827
Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk 512-232-2320
Mechanical Engineering, Department of 512-471-1131
Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Materials, Center for 512-471-4167
Medical Education, Department of 512-495-5102
Medical School, Dell 512-495-5000
Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas, The Academy of (TAMEST) 512-471-3823
Medieval Studies Program 512-232-2546
Mental Health Research, Institute for 512-471-7694
Mesoamerica Center, The 512-232-7049
Mexican American and Latina/o Studies, Department of 512-471-4557
Mexican American Studies, Center for 512-471-8358
Michener Center for Writers 512- 471-1601
Microelectronics Research Center 512-471-4493
Middle Eastern Studies, Center for 512-471-3881
Middle Eastern Studies, Department of 512-471-3881
Military Science, Department of 512-471-5639
Model Healthy Campus 512-495-5070
Molecular Biosciences, Department of 512 471-5105
Molecular Carcinogenesis and Toxicology, Center for N/A
Multicultural Engagement Center 512-232-2958
Music, Sarah and Ernest Butler School of 512-471-7764
Nano and Molecular Science and Technology, Center for 512-232-4020
Nanomanufacturing Systems for Mobile Computing and Mobile Energy Technologies (NASCENT) N/A
Native American and Indigenous Studies 512- 232-3555
Natural Sciences, College of 512-471-3285
Naval Science, Department of 512-471-7649
Neighborhood Longhorns Program 512-232-4650
Neurology, Department of N/A
Neuroscience, Department of 512- 232-7594
Nonlinear Dynamics, Center for 512-471-4839
Nuclear and Radiation Engineering Program 512-232-5380
Nursing Research, Cain Center for 512-232-4710
Nursing, School of 512-471-7913
Nutritional Sciences, Department of 512-471-0337
Occupational Health Program 512-471-4647
Offshore Technology Research Center 512-471-3753
Ombuds N/A
OnRamps 512-475-7877
Open Educational Resources and Language Learning, Center for 512-232-2312
Operations Research and Industrial Engineering N/A
Organizational Excellence, Institute for 512-471-9831
Oscar G. Brockett Theatre 512-471-2787
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute 512-471-3124
Parking and Transportation Services 512-471-7275
Particles and FIelds, Center for 512-471-4488
Passport and ID Services 512- 232-5899
Payroll Services 512-471-5271
Pediatrics, Department of 512-324-0595
Perceptual Systems, Center for 512-471-5380
Perry-Castaneda Library (PCL) 512-495-4350
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, Center for 512-232-2933
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, Department of 512-471-3161
Petroleum Extension (PETEX) 512-471-5940
Pharmacy, College of 512-471-1737
Philanthropy and Community Service, RGK Center for 512-232-7062
Philosophy, Department of 512-471-4857
Physical Culture and Sports, H.J. Lutcher Stark Center for 512-471-4890
Physics Mathematics Astronomy (Kuehne) Library 512-495-4610
Physics, Department of 512-471-1153
Plan II Honors Program 512-471-1442
Plant Biology Program 512-471-8490
Plant Resources Center 512-471-5904
Politics and Governance, Center for 512-471-3581
Population Health, Department of 512-495-5041
Population Research Center 512-471-5514
President, Office of the 512-471-1232
Printing Services 512-471-5464
Pro Bono Program, Richard and Ginni Mithoff 512-471-5151
Process Industry Practices (PIP) 512.232.3043
Professional Education, Center for 512-232-6520
Project Management and Construction Services (PMCS) 512-471-3042
Provost, Office of the Executive Vice President and 512-471-4363
Psychiatry, , Department of 512-495-5132
Psychology, Department of 512-475-7596
Public Affairs, LBJ School of 512-471-3200
Public Interest Law, William Wayne Justice Center for 512- 232-7068
Public Policy Dispute Resolution, Center for 512-471-3507
Public Policy Institute, Irma Rangel 512-232-7277
Public School Initiatives, Institute for 512-232-6569
Purchasing Office 512-471-4266
Radio-Television-Film, Department of 512-471-4071
Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources 512-471-7891
Reading and Language Arts, Vaughn Gross Center for (VGC) 512-232-2320
Real Estate Finance and Investment Center 512-232-6831
Records and Information Management Services 512-232-5647
Recreational Sports, Division of 512-471-3116
Recycling and Solid Waste 512-471-2020
Regional Foundation Library 512-475-7373
Registrar, Office of the 512-475-7575
Religious Studies, Department of 512-232-7737
Research on Electronic Commerce, Center for 512-471-7962
Research Support, Office of 512-471-8871
Research, Office of the Vice President for 512-471-2877
Residence Halls Business Office 512-471-3136
Retired Faculty-Staff Association 512-840-5657
Rhetoric and Writing, Department of 512-471-6109
Risk Management and Insurance, Center for 512-475-6728
Robotics Research N/A
Romani Archives and Documentation Center N/A
Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Center for 512-471-3607
Sam Rayburn Library and Museum 903-583-2455
Sanger Learning Center 512-471-3614
Senate of College Councils 512-471-3166
Services for Students with Disabilities 512-471-6259
Shakespeare at Winedale 512-471-4726
Shared Services N/A
Signature Courses 512-471-4421
Skills and Experience Flags, Center for the 512-471-5949
Slavic and Eurasian Studies, Department of 512-471-3607
Social Work Research, Office of the Associate Dean for 512-471-9219
Social Work, Steve Hicks School of 512-471-5457
Sociology, Department of 512-232-6300
Sorority and Fraternity Life 512-471-9700
South Asia Institute 512-471-3550
Space Research, Center for 512-471-5573
Spanish and Portuguese, Department of 512-471-4936
Special Education, Department of 512-232-7919
Speech and Hearing Center 512-471-3841
Sponsored Projects, Office of 512-471-6424
Sports & Media Program, Texas 512-471-2431
Staff Ombuds Office 512-232-8010
StarDate 512-471-5285
Statistics and Data Sciences, Department of 512-232-0693
STEM Education, Center for 512-471-7354
Strategic Academic Initiatives, Office of 512-232-2646
Strategic Advising & Career Counseling, James W. Vick Center for 512-232-8400
Structural Engineering Laboratory, Phil M. Ferguson 512-471-3062
Student Accounts Receivable, Accounting & Financial Management 512-475-7777
Student Activities 512-471-3065
Student Activity Center 512-232-0818
Student Affairs, Office of the Vice President for 512-471-1133
Student Bar Association N/A
Student Emergency Services 512-471-5017
Student Government 512-471-3166
Student Judicial Services 512-471-2841
Student Ombuds, Office of the 512-471-3825
Student Organization Center N/A
Student Success Initiatives 512-232-9441
Student Testing Services 512-232-2662
Student Veteran Services 512-232-2835
Study Abroad Office 512- 471-6490
Stuttering Institute, Michael & Tami Lang 512-475-6174
Supply Chain Management Center 512-471-7857
Surgery & Perioperative Care, Department of 512-495-5089
Surplus Property Management 512-471-7889
Sustainability, Office of 512-232-7840
Sustainable Design Program N/A
Sustainable Water Resources N/A
Swimming Center, Lee and Joe Jamail Texas 512-471-7703
Systems and Synthetic Biology, Center for 512-471-2159
Technology and Information Policy Institute 512-471-5826
Technology Commercialization, Office of 512-471-2995
Technology Resources (TRecs) 512-471-4751
Telecommunications and Information Policy Institute 512-471-5826
Test Scanning Services 512-471-6508
Testing and Evaluation Services 512-471-0222
Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) 512-475-9411
Texas Archeological Research Laboratory (TARL) 512-471-5960
Texas BBA Program Office 512-471-0690
Texas Box Office 512-477-6060
Texas Career Engagement 512-471-2425
Texas Center for Actual Innocence N/A
Texas Center for Disability Studies 512-232-0740
Texas Center for Education Policy 512-471-7055
Texas Executive Education 512-471-5893
Texas Exes 512-840-5700
TEXAS Extended Campus 512-475-6050
Texas Health Catalyst 512-495-5115
Texas Institute for Discovery Education in Science 512-232-9358
Texas Institute for Drug & Diagnostic Development (TI-3D) 512-471-3680
Texas Interdisciplinary Plan (TIP) 512-232-6493
Texas Language Center 512-471-6574
Texas Law Review 512-232-1280
Texas Materials Institute 512-475-8293
Texas MBA Program Office 512-471-7698
Texas Memorial Museum 512-471-1604
Texas MPA Program Office 512-471-6559
Texas Newswatch 512.471.1845
Texas One Stop 512-232-6988
Texas Parents Association 512-471-2353
Texas Performing Arts 512-471-2787
Texas Performing Arts Ticket Office 512.471.1444
Texas Program in Sports and Media 512.471.2431
Texas Student Media 512-471-7051
Texas Student Television 512-471-1865
Texas Success Initiative 512-232-7146
Texas Travesty Humor Magazine 512-471-7898
Texas Union (512) 475-6636
Texas Venture Labs, Jon Brumley 512-232-6561
Textiles and Apparel, Division of 512-471-5097
Theatre and Dance, Department of 512-471-5793
Theoretical Chemistry, Institute for 512-471-5903
Theory Group 512-471-3898
Thompson Conference Center 512-471-3121
Trademark Licensing, Office of 512-475-7923
Transfer Year Experience Program 512-475-7000
Transportation Research, Center for 512-232-3100
Travel Management Services 512-471-6641
Treasury, Risk Management, & Administration Services N/A
Undergraduate Research, Office of 512-471-7152
Undergraduate Studies, School of 512-475-7000
University Apartments Business Office 512-232-5299
University Compliance Services 512-232-7055
University Data Center N/A
University Events 512-475-6071
University Extension 512-471-2900
University Health Services 512-475-8349
University Housing and Dining 512-471-3136
University Interscholastic League 512-471-5883
University Leadership Network 512-232-6493
University Marketing and Communications 512-471-3151
University of Texas Club 512-477-5800
University of Texas Elementary School 512-495-3300
University of Texas Film Institute 512-471-4071
University of Texas Libraries 512-495-4350
University of Texas Police Department (UTPD) 512-471-4441
University of Texas Press 512-471-7233
University of Texas-University Charter School 512-471-4864
University Policy Office 512-232-3720
University Sign Shop 512-471-1574
University Staff Council (UTSC) N/A
University Unions 512-475-6636
University Writing Center 512-471-6222
Urban Design Program N/A
Urban Policy Research and Analysis, Institute for 512-471-3645
User Services, Accounting & Financial Management 512-471-8802
UT High School 512-232-5000
UT Outreach Centers N/A
UTeach-Liberal Arts 512-232-2789
UTeach-Natural Sciences 512-232-2770
UTemps N/A
Utilities and Energy Management 512-471-6241
Visual Arts Center 512-232-2348
Water Resources, Center for Research in 512-471-3131
Wildflower Center, Lady Bird Johnson 512-232-0200
Winedale Historical Complex 979-278-3530
Wireless Networking and Communications Group (WNCG) 512-471-6500
Women in Engineering Program 512-471-5650
Women in Law, Center for 512- 232-2642
Women in Natural Sciences 512-232-1062
Women's and Gender Studies, Center for 512-471-5765
Women's Health, Department of 512-324-7000, ext. 88319